They focus on improved performance and, where appropriate or required, measureable outcomes. Our firm has designed and offered training workshops and seminars in the following areas:
Procedures, protocols, strategies and skills for the conduct of inquiry or investigation committees and the conduct of discipline hearings and tribunal hearings.
The "how to" of putting together a decision that meets all of the relevant legal criteria and as well attends appropriately and empathetically to the non-legal aspects of issues that are placed before the trier of fact.
Procedures, protocols, strategies and skills for the investigation of complaints against self-regulated professionals.
The strategies and skills of effective negotiation.
A systematic approach to the identification and explication of a problem to generating and selecting the preferred option for its solution.
A series of training seminars and workshops on the following topics: Situation appraisal; Trial Strategy; Strategic Cross-examination; Legal Argument; Appellate Advocacy; Examination-in-chief; Opening and closing arguments.
Advanced strategies and skills for mediating resolution of disputes and conflict.
The skills and strategies of being an effective coach to other counsel to enhance their competencies in a legal environment.
Check back for upcoming training sessions/seminars/workshops |